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--  作者:hjx_221
--  发布时间:8/5/2011 9:13:00 AM

--  设密码有新招

Struggling to remember all your computer passwords, PINs and other security codes? You are not alone. In yet another sign of the way in which technology is taking over our lives, it seems that the average Briton has to remember up to ten passwords a day. As a result, research shows, one in three of us resorts to writing down our details to avoid forgetting them completely.

And despite the pressure to continually come up with inventive, uncrackable codewords, over half of those polled admitted they use the same password for everything, whether they're keeping an eye on their bank balance or keeping up with friends online. The most difficult details to remember were said to be those for banking websites, with log-in information for online shopping and work accounts also identified as tricky in a survey of 1,000 people by online payments firm Skrill.

Most people use easy-to-remember items of personal information such as the name of a pet, an important date or their mother's maiden name when creating a password, but security experts warn these are easy for experienced fraudsters to work out.

With the popularity of online shopping so strong it threatens to destroy the High Street, they argue that keeping your personal information secure has become ever more important.

In April, Marks & Spencer contacted many of its customers to inform them that details of their email addresses had been stolen, leaving them open to 'phishing' attacks which see criminals attempt to trick people into revealing their bank details. To keep your information secure, experts suggest mixing up the letters of a familiar word with a particular website. For example, if you wanted to use the word 'friend' for the social networking site Facebook, then your password could be 'ffraiceenbdook'.
就在四月份,英国玛莎百货联系他们的客户并告知他们的电邮地址可能已经被黑客袭击导致泄露,而这些电邮地址的泄露可以牵扯他们的银行个人信息的泄露,这样下来后果不堪设想。为了保证自己的个人信息安全,专家建议:“可以将自己想要输入的单词密码配以需要进入的社交网站名字加以合成,倘若想进入facebook社交网站,需要用friends(密码),可以把自己的密码设置成 ffraiceenbdook。”

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